Microindie Records is now offering tracks for download at Itunes, Emusic, Rhapsody, Napster, T-Online, MSN Music, Music Match, Music Now and several other services. The direct links are here for Itunes and if you go to the individual services and search the bands they should pop up. We also offer free lower quality MP3s so you can check out the label at no cost, check out the list below the Itunes links. And don't forget you can always stream the tracks using the Microindie Music Machine. Thanks!

The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir (this is not the single but the songs on their album)

 The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir - The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir

The Flower Machine "Orange Balloons" The Flower Machine - The Flower Machine - Single

The Steinbecks "Far From A Madding Crowd" coming soon

The Icicles "Arrivals and Departures" The Icicles - Arrivals & Departures

The Primary 5 "North Pole" North Pole

Kiddo "Okay Sweetheart" Kiddo - Okay Sweetheart

Bearsuit "Cat Spectacular" coming soon

The Universe "The Outer Void Intrepid Sailor" The Outer Void Intrepid Sailor

The Icicles "A Hundred Patterns" A Hundred Patterns

Sekiden "Junior Fiction" Junior Fiction

The Flower Machine "Chalk Dust Dream..." Chalk Dust Dream of the Tea Cozy Mitten Company

Sodastream "A Minor Revival" A Minor Revival

The Steinbecks "Branches and Fronds..." Branches and Fronds Brushing the Windows - EP

Sample MP3s are hosted at the microindierecords yahoo group ( http://groups.yahoo.com/group/microindierecords ). To download them you’ll need to join the yahoo group, and click on the "files" link in the lefthand column of the page. Once this is done you’ll receive periodic updates on new releases, additions to microindie mailorder, new MP3s uploaded and tour dates. If you prefer not to get email you can set your membership to “no email” but what would be the fun in that?

The following files are currently available to download from our email list page:

  1. The Steinbecks - "Guilty Spring" MP3
    From the cd "Branches and Fronds Brushing the Windows" microcd1/ltid010

  2. Sodastream - "Blinky" MP3
    From the cd "A Minor Revival" microcd2

  3. The Flower Machine - "In The Glow" MP3
    From the cd: "Chalk Dust Dream of the Tea Cozy Mitten Company" microcd3                                                                      
  4. Sekiden - "All Ordinaries" MP3 From the cd "Junior Fiction" microcd4
  5. the Icicles - "I Wanna Know" MP3 from the cd "A Hundred Patterns" microcd5
  6. the Universe - "GOODBYE" MP3 from the forthcoming cd
  7. Bearsuit - "Itsuko Got Married" from the cd "Cat Spectacular!"
  8. Kiddo - "This Could Take Forever" from the cd "Okay Sweetheart"
  9. The Primary 5 - "I'll Lay You Down" from the cd "North Pole" microcd9

© Copyright 2005, Microindie Records. All rights reserved.