
Here is the list of "Grand Rapids" radio.  GR really has no radio that plays "college" music to the masses. It is kind of hit or miss. WCKS is low power campus AM about 15 miles west of the city. They have done some cool shows including booking Spiritualized, GBV and Outkast and if they play it you will get some people from campus to come. WAQU is low power campus AM and this one is right near the venue so you might draw from their campus. WYCE is high power FM covering the whole city, listener supported public radio. If they play it attendence will jump, but their format is varied and they play "rock, jazz, blues, folk, world beat". I've had the Lucksmiths, the Salteens, the Mabels play live on there but I've also been turned down and they are spotty with playing Drive-In stuff. WIDR is probably the coolest of the bunch, high power college radio, but an hour away in Kalamazoo. Still if they play it, people will come. And finally WDBM is high power Michigan State University student radio, an hour away. They tend to play the more commercial end of college radio and their specialty shows do get more adventurous. Again, if they play it people will come. Let me know if you have any questions or anything.


Grand Valley State University
1 Campus Dr.
Allendale, MI 49401-9403



Aquinas College

1607 Robinson Rd S.E.

Grand Rapids, MI 49506

616-459-8281 x6454 Andrew Wilson x4126 Eric Mullen



711 Bridge Street NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504


1511 Faunce Student Service Building
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-6301


G4 Holden Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48825
Business Line: 517.353.4414